WARNING: This is a Work-in-Progress.
Octas is probably not fully-playable at this stage. It is definitely not properly play-tested for balance. Missing links indicate where planned content isn't complete!
This is primarily my own private intellectual exercise, hobby, and possibly a demonstration, but if anyone ever gets any other use out of it, that's nice, too!
Octas is a Table Top Role-Playing game system based on the use of two 8-sided dice, numbered 0-7. It ostensibly uses the octal (base-8) numeric system, although this is largely hidden from players behind some simple conversion maths. It also uses a 'destructive stats' mechanic whereby combat damage temporarily (or in extreme cases permanently) reduces character scores directly, resulting in a game mechanic representation of fatigue.
A playable base game is available for free use here. Hard-copy books and related accessories are unlikely as I don't expect that amount of interest in my downright-quirky little TTRPG!
Octas SRDSystem Reference Documents for all Octas D77 games. |
Octas/fallenGenre Module and resources for the default Octas fantasy-themed world. |
Octas/crashGenre Module and resources for the default Octas SciFi-themed world (proposed content). |
Octas, Octas/fallen, and Octas/crash materials are Copyright 2022-2024 Glenn Alexander.