The Best Laid Schemes of Mice and Glenn

This is a bunch of for-fun projects I have completed or are in the process of attempting. I have detailed a lot of materials-techniques along the way. Please feel free to adapt these to your own uses. No responsibility can be taken for use or mis-use of this information or any awesomeness that results.

About These Projects.

Some of these projects are purely my own work done for myself on my own time. Others are adapted (also on my own time) from demonstrations that I have done at my workplace. I work as a class-support technician at a university, specialising in visual arts and media, particularly simple control electronics, 3D-Print and VR. Though it isn't particularly difficult to work it out, I mostly dodge around directly naming my employer. This site is my own space and not in any way affiliated with my employer. I maintain this site entrely on my own time, using my own equipment. Nothing I say here should be interpreted as having any relationship to the opinions or policies of my employer or other of their staff. Both they, and I, prefer it that way! :-D

When I direct students to these projects, it should be taken as being directed to some useful rando site on the internet. You just happen to know the rando!

Videos? I detest instructional videos! They are invariably too fast or tediously slow (and often both!). If I ever have something that can genuinely benefit from video instruction, rest assured I will make a video. Until then, ye olde art of reading is your friend! At least here you can skim over my rambling aside-annotations (which I generally white-box like this so you know it is optional information and/or opinion)!

Licensing notice.

All program code, instructions and model files on pages inside the 'projects' directory hierarchy of this site are licensed Zero-Clause BSD unless otherwise stated.

Hardware Projects.

8-sided Die


3D printing experiments with custom 8-sided dice.


The Case of the Thing.

3D printing custom case insets to hold my custom dice, model paints, and other useful things.


Trunks for my Junk.

Making some wooden (and cardboard) stackable storage trunks.

Pieces of 8!

The measure of a... something!

Non-standard standards in physical-artefact form.

Clack! Clack! Clack! Clack!

Dymo label maker conversion.

Using my custom alphabet.

BAT Keypad


Integrating a Trackpad and USB-2 HUB into my BAT chord keyboard.



Very simple Button/LED rewiring project.


Using a 556 dual-oscillator chip and a LED array to make a bright flickering light inside a lantern.

Simple Electronics project, particularly useful if you need to simulate a small flame inside a gallery or studio!


RGB paper lanterns that react to stuff.

Basic Arduino™ project.


The Small Violin.

Basic Arduino™ project.


The Bright Orange.

Basic Arduino™ project.



Use a piece of exercise equipment to drive an analog Joystick Channel (USB device).


Orac - sentient supercomputer from 70's TV.

Elaborate Arduino™ project with some discrete electronics too.

  1. Introduction
  2. Light Ball
  3. The Ring
  4. The Box
  5. Tarriel Cells
  6. Sound FX
  7. The Key
  8. Other Junk
  9. The Wrap-up
Audio Interfacing

Connecting a PC microphone to non-PC audio inputs.

A little hardware hacking to adjust the power levels between two incompatible classes of equipment (namely, PC-Audio and Studio-Audio equipment).


Eiki Thump!

Converting an old broken 16mm film projector into a cheap telecini machine.


Full-Metal Knickers!

Metal lingeri from found object: my major work from the art-education strand of my Education degree.


Bits and Pieces

Tiny and simple projects that don't really warrant their own page.



Tiny and simple projects that try to make life better.

Other Art:


A short clay-animation film with my niece.

Stop-frame animation with Fimo™ modeling material!


Glenns 7.

The remains of my old Blakes 7 tribute pages.
From my web site before this one!

*Also see ORAC project above.

Assorted vaguely-related stuff:

A prop

Props from sci-fi can be found around the home!

Commercial media props. cleverly made from every-day objects.